class System
package kha
Static variables
Static methods
staticchangeResolution(width:Int, height:Int):Void
Deprecated: "This does nothing. On Windows you can use Window.resize instead after setting the mode to ExclusiveFullscreen"
staticinit(options:OldSystemOptions, callback:() ‑> Void):Void
Deprecated: "Use System.start instead"
staticnotifyOnApplicationState(foregroundListener:() ‑> Void, resumeListener:() ‑> Void, pauseListener:() ‑> Void, backgroundListener:() ‑> Void, shutdownListener:() ‑> Void):Void
staticnotifyOnCutCopyPaste(cutListener:() ‑> String, copyListener:() ‑> String, pasteListener:String ‑> Void):Void
staticnotifyOnFrames(listener:Array<Framebuffer> ‑> Void):Void
The provided listener is called when new framebuffers are ready for rendering into. Each framebuffer corresponds to the kha.Window of the same index, single-window applications always receive an array of only one framebuffer.
listener | The callback to add |
staticnotifyOnFullscreenChange(func:() ‑> Void, error:() ‑> Void):Void
Deprecated: "This does nothing"
staticnotifyOnRender(listener:Framebuffer ‑> Void, id:Int = 0):Void
Deprecated: "Use System.notifyOnFrames instead"
staticremoveApplicationStateListeners(foregroundListener:() ‑> Void, resumeListener:() ‑> Void, pauseListener:() ‑> Void, backgroundListener:() ‑> Void, shutdownListener:() ‑> Void):Void
staticremoveFramesListener(listener:Array<Framebuffer> ‑> Void):Void
Removes a previously set frames listener.
listener | The callback to remove |
staticremoveFullscreenListener(func:() ‑> Void, error:() ‑> Void):Void
Deprecated: "This does nothing"
Schedules the application to stop as soon as possible. This is not possible on all targets.
Returns true if the application can be stopped
Pulses the vibration hardware on the device for time in milliseconds, if such hardware exists.